Corporate and Private Sponsors
This page displays our sponsors who have donated through our PayPal Giving Fund account, Facebook Donations, or other methods.
Listed in alphabetical order.
- Anonymous
- Dept. of Ohio Army & Navy Union
- Bevan & Associates, LPA
- Chesty Puller Detachment Marine Corps League
- Copeco
- D. Mullenix
- DiLauro Financial Services
- Dugan Financial Inc.
- G. A. West
- ICM Veterans Committee at Goodyear Tire
- Guy’s Party Center
- JNJ Worldwide, LLC
- Local 2 Development
- Marks Brew Thru
- N. P. Kowal
- OTG Sports Management, LLC
- Richard Neeley, Jr.
- T. Gallion
- The K Company
- Tri-County Regional Labor Council United Steel Workers
- USW Local 2L
- Vanler Group
If you see an error, or would like your name or organization added, corrected, or removed for privacy, please send the webmaster an email.